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Rain To The World. A Photo Series Of Victims Of Floods From Around The World

The new year has arrived and, in many parts of the world, so has the rain season. We would be glad if the rain came to wash away the problems of the late year, but instead it often brings bigger problems. Like the saying "Too much of anything is poison.", too much of rain is destruction. In this series called Drowing World, the photographer Gideon Medel brings us a closer look at victims ...

Tangled With Reality: Living 3D Paintings, Literally.

The 3D technology has been around for centuries, under the longer and complicated name Theater; with the slogan: so real, you can touch and throw tomatoes at actors in case you don’t like the play. Although now days we are forced to wear glasses to see the better special effects in 3D plays, and the only thing we can touch are our cinema neighbor’s breasts, face or popcorn, the truth is ...
