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Just Got Repainted: Mona Lisa

Back in the days the painters didn’t have the undo button to undo their shity steps so they had to live with what they had done. While some made awesome pieces of art that are today famous all over the planet (and in some other planets) others artists just got famous to themselves and their imaginary friends.

Although their works followed different paths of appreciation, one thing those two groups of painters had in common: they all wanted perfection. Even today we may imagine what Leonardo da Vinci was thinking when he finished Mona Lisa: I think I should have enlarged her tits a little bit and showed a bit of her teths too. And a lot of other questions.

Pictured: Mona "Enigmatic Smile.Not." Lisa

Centuries later, after the invention of the undo button, a lot of artists and self proclaimed artists (aka amateurs with Photoshop) bring to life the hypothetical dream of that late great artist. Some are true paradise with flowers, butterflies and real unicorns, while others are nightmare with no flowers, no butterflies and fake unicorns. Check it out: 

via: Internet

Well, who knows. Mona Lisa is not the only painting going under the critic mouse, tablet and brush of modern painters. Stay tune following the blog on facebook to get the new repaintings directly on your feed wall.

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