From our series Football - Show some..., a guide to manly men who are unable to read a book to satisfy their girlfriend or wife (or both) and where we try to destroy the opinion you have about football in a very funny way.
In todays lesson you gonna learn how to hug her cause what you have been doing till now is not enought to satisfy that insatiable b*tch. Lets start then:
The grampa hormone crazed Hug The name says it all. |
The jump Hug Can be done from the front or the back. Playful or sexy depending on the relationship of the huggers. Mixed gender front jumping is generally unwise. |
Let's get it on Must be touching and pushing together from ankle to neck, at least one inner thigh must be involved. |
A variant of Back-to-front Hug |
Forehead-to-forehead on your kness Hug Made usually in bed in the moment of sex. Just bend to your knees, put your foreheads together, put your harms around each other and do whatever. |
And you know, if you think about any player while kissing your partner that just mean you like football very much.
Todays tips provided by our fellas on Yahoo Answers.